Wednesday, April 15, 2015

15/04 - Oldies and cleansies

Today's bad: didn't get to write. The day's not done yet, but I know it won't happen nonetheless. But...

Today's good: I'm feeling satisfied. We got up early, started cleaning the living room, let the kitty outside (he loved it), got some Persona 4 in (died 4 times, couldn't believe it... I just freaking started o.-), then we cleaned up some more and even got some order on the second floor. Then we pulled out an oldie I didn't know was here:

Aside from losing because I was sitting on the wrong side of the couch, it was fun ^^ now I need to get my PS1 memory cards, as I discovered you can't save on a PS2 card. Le sad.

Oh, and, we took some time to sit outside in our yard to enjoy the sunlight while the floors were drying. It was so warm and good. Yay spring! And my lilac bush is growing nicely, perhaps in a couple of years it'll yield flowers ^^

Note to Future Self: cleaning up the environment was a necesary step towards creativity.

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