Friday, April 3, 2015

03/04 - Mistakes and expectations

Today's bad: dear god the mistakes I made at work. Baking bread twice, adding sugar at the wrong time... I almost cried from feeling like the biggest idiot in the world. The learning curve on the bread baking is pretty steep for me; but, later, I noticed a price mistake and informed my supervisor. That was good. Tomorrow has got to go smoother... and I need better sleep.

Today's good: my parents came by at work, then stopped by at home, mother-in-law came as well, and we had coffee and absolutely delicious cake I bought at work. ^^

Also, bf's offered to give me the deluxe edition of Dragon Age Inquisition, as it's on sale right now. ... so hard to say no >> bog unicorn! Just need to make sure the game's in English first.

Note to Future Self: mistakes are human. You live, you learn, your brain processes the information, and you get better. Remember your previous job: it took more than two weeks to get good at it! And you're already pretty good at everything, it's jusg the bread. Just the bread. You're doing great.

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