Thursday, March 26, 2015

Late 25/03 - Better late than not

The day's bad: well, I spent several hours hauling bottles and suches, and by the time I got home at 8PM, I was totally beat. I briefly remembered I had to blog, but then I forgot. Today's another haul day, thankfully of smaller and lighter things (I hope!). My back's surprisingly feeling well.

The day's good: I wrote in the morning! Just before work, did some minor re-writing. I reached a part where I have to do some major re-writing, so, that'll have to wait until Friday (early shift), or later (three days off!). It just feels good to be going forward with this.

Also, I got a message on DA from an old friend whom I haven't heard from in about 15 years, whom I used to RP with along with a couple other people. He wanted to get back in touch with us... I thought it was super cool he actually still remembers me ^^ (not like I forgot him, either). It's surprising to realize how much some people mark you, for you to remember them even after so many years without a single word. I like. ^^

Note to Future Self: late is indeed better than not. It's a post a day after all, and you're adapting to your situation. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't start mixing up days' events.

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