Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Late 06/07 - Fun!

The day's bad: exhaustion kicked in somewhere around noon. I had real trouble staying awake and alert at the register, my brain was just shutting down after so many days of lack of sleep, on top of a VERY heavy weekend. So many customers. So little time to move or even drink. But, I survived. Well. :)

Also, I forgot my home keys. Had to spend the afternoon at the parents (which was good, helped my mom with her Diablo character, ate a meal I hadn't eaten in years (which comes down to pasta with cheese, but the dad-version XD), and watched a good horror movie (Oculus) in awesome HD (I want a 100hz tv). I guess this fits in with the good XD

The day's good: surprise request from one close friend, asking when we wanted to meet up to go to the Chinese restaurant - which I translated as, 'hey we'd like to go today, are you free?'. I discovered I was really not far off XD we had such a blast despite all being tired.

And, it's felt good to be called 'family' again. Not going to go into detail because there'd be so much to say, but there's a bond that had been broken and is well on the mend. I actually already miss 'em, that says a lot XD

Note to Future Self: whoda thunk it.

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