Saturday, September 26, 2015

26/09 - Perfection

Today's bad: went to bed late, woke up tired. Nothing new.

Today's good: where do I start?

Morning was perfect with bf, took the time to enjoy each other's company and, somehow, we left on time to go to the restaurant with the parents. Food was excellent (I have leftovers for tomorrow :) ), mood was good, weather was good, and afterwards we went to the parents-in-law's for a coffee. Then bf and I went home to change, since there was a shopping evening in town... that turned out to be a total bust save for seeing an old friend at her working place; and, since there was nothing to do, we decided to go the arcade and spend €5 (that became 15 XD) since it'd been years. Result: we got enough points to get a few things, and I got a mermaid keychain from the machines :) on top of the chocolates we got from bf's mom, we got a pretty cool haul!

Chocolate pencils + nudie cards = crazy awewome day XD

We got home at 8 and now we'e watching Iron Man 3. :)

Note to Future Self: 10/10

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