Tuesday, May 2, 2017

In darkness

Which isn't as negative as it sounds. Darkness is a place of peace for me. Just wish the insomnia would leave me be so I can concentrate.

I had a discussion with my parents after the last post. It's helped put things more into perspective, if only by knowing I have people behind me who'll support me no matter what. What helps relieve the pressure somewhat is knowing they expect me to fall off the face of 'normal' society eventually. It's a lot more positive than one may think - not the 'we know you'll never get a job' kind of thing, but the 'we know your heart and soul is elsewhere' kind of thing.

It's the kind of luxury I don't take for granted.

So is having people by me, be they few in numbers - but large in scale. Having friends you can count on, family who understands you... Those things are invaluable.

Anyway. I wanted something positive after the few venting posts ;) though I still have issues with stress, insomnia, fear of failure, etc  etc... but, I also realize that not letting go of this things is counter-productive, and against my acquired nature. I don't want to keep stressing over things I have, ultimately, little control over.

What I do have control over is me. The future will be what it is, whatever it is to be, and in the meantime we'll just be going forward as best as possible.

That means a lot of writing. And, hopefully, some awesome sleeping. XD (and some gaming because Persona 5 omg <3)

And that is all. I'm thinking of making a few aesthetic changes to the Patreon to make even clearer what it is I'm doing, because it's not just stories I'm bringing: I'm basically creating a whole world. And I think that really ought to be reflected in the about section.

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