Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Theme 01: Aneskia - Week 04

After a long night's rest (about 10 hours I'd wager), I'm feeling rested. Really effing pissed off, but rested. Let's just say there's something going on at work that needs solved today.
So, so angry it's hard to resist venting, so moving on quickly.

I didn't get done with the Aneskia life story, unfortunately. I hit a scene that felt completely wrong (and, upon rewrite, turned out to have missed a few logical details that change the sequence of events). I'm still in the process of re-writing it, and alas I see I still have enormous difficulties writing entirely new scenes. I feel broken, but I keep going anyway. Had a couple of days without writing because I didn't feel well, this morning I'll go for it again lest I go down last year's road again and I. Will. Not. Repeat. That. Goddamned. Year. Hell to the no.

So, I plow through. Slowly. Meticulously. Trying to grab hold of my characters again. I do feel I need a break from my current endeavour, but, I don't want to start another life story and lose what momentum is left. I've said for months that I need to draw... Maybe that's just what I need. Doodling the characters. Giving myself visual aids (crap as they'll be XD).
(let's note that writing this blog is gradually lowering my anger... dear gods, the power of words, it's fantastic e.e I am a writer. XD)

Anyway, today's theme is Aneskia again. I honestly have no idea what more to say about her XD feels like I've said so much already, and I'd hoped to have some art to accompany this last post, but... well. Nope. XD

And as I get absolutely no idea, I'll be giving you a little snippet of an abandoned intro for the novel. I like it myself, but, I have no idea whether I'll be able to fit it in anywhere... so. Enjoy. I'll use it to hop onto next week's theme, which will be protagonist number 2 and one of my favorite characters X3

Btw, so glad Photoshop Elements 6 still works on 10. Love 'paste from clipboard' e.e XD

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