Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Special #07 – The Syrilae Village

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

This Sunday, after expanding on the lives of the most recent Ansai, I'll be delving into main protagonist Aneskia's race, the Syrilae, in-depth.

Important terms in a nutshell

Syrilae - A race of Elves with tremendous magical powers. It is cultural belief among Syrilae that they cannot exist without an Ansai serving as catalyst for the Aberviohn's power.

Ansai - A term roughly translating as 'leader'. The Ansai is a Syrilae born to a unique legacy within the race, whose very life is tied in with the Aberviohn's lives.
Read more about Ansai Adelouhn and Ansai Sorasiehn - Read more about Ansai Nefahtil and Selessannea

Aberviohn - Glowing crystal blue trees that surround the Syrilae's native Village, located in the Ghostlight forest. They possess a certain sentience and innate power, and are revered as guardians by the Syrilae.

The timeless Village of the Syrilae

On the eastern side of the Human country of Bormen, in a vast forest nicknamed the Ghostlight Forest by the superstitious, lies the nameless village of the Syrilae. No one knows when it was erected, or by whom, but it is widely believed by the Syrilae that this village, their home, has existed for as long as the Aberviohn have existed: forever.

With its dome-like houses and perpetual ambient darkness, this village feels like none other. Time seems to have no grip on it, nor on its inhabitants, and days flow by like an unseen river guided along by the rustle of its naturally glowing flora. Though sunlight never graces the village, it is never dark, nor is it ever cold. All Syrilae know that the Aberviohn are the source of their peace, of their life, and it is the Aberviohn who also give life to the plants that sustain their culture.

Ceilings are covered by the fioctouna, sentient flowers that bloom and glow on demand; vines act as living doors, and carriers of fruit; but what always seemed to surprise foreigners were the large flowers that would unfurl and provide a shower of fresh water taken from the stream that runs through the village. Magic runs thick and, protected by the Aberviohn, no harm ever befalls the inhabitants of this sanctuary.

Foreigners have often wondered: with so fantastic a home, why would anyone ever want to leave? Why do Syrilae one day choose to travel to the outside world, to the horrors that some foreigners living in the village only wanted to escape?

Culture of travel

No Syrilae truly knows whether, one day, they will be inclined to leave - but all expect it to happen. What short-lived foreigners cannot understand is something that Syrilae, after generally centuries of life, start to discover: that to exist for a long time is not the same as living. For beings that traverse Human generations and may have met a Human's great-great-great-great-great-andmore-grandparents, time is of no consequence, insubstantial - meaningless. At the same time, failing to grasp the meaning of time leads to failing to grasp the point of living - and life is what the Syrilae go seek in a world full of death and darkness.

With great power at their disposal, the Syrilae are more than often agents of benevolence in the outside world. Wherever in the world they might be, a Syrilae will always feel the presence of the Aberviohn, a compassionate wordless voice in their heart that has influenced their culture since time immemorial. The Aberviohn are beings of protection - so, then, are the Syrilae themselves.

And among the Syrilae, the Ansai are the greatest protectors. They, who are closest to the Aberviohn, have as belief goes always looked after those in need - whomever those in need may have been. The Ansai have always been the greatest travelers of all, viewed as guardians on par with the Aberviohn, and never truly known.

Herald of change

But even in a place ignored by time itself, evolution follows its course. It is but a mere couple of years ago that Ansai Nefahtil died, and another took her place - another, not of her own blood.

Since her daughter's passing, Ansai Nefahtil had closed off the Syrilae village and broken with the ancestral tradition of offering sanctuary to all who came by. She had cast out all foreigners, leading to many Syrilae leaving alongside their exiled lovers. The Syrilae village had grown darker, uninviting, and it was believed that, the Ansai line having no successor, Ansai Nefahtil would be the last of her kind. Despite the cultural belief that the Syrilae could not exist without an Ansai to serve as catalyst for the Aberviohn's power, most Syrilae longed for the day of Nefahtil's passing - longed for their freedom of her tyranny.

And freedom came, at a price impossible for all to fathom. With Nefahtil's death, Ansai Aneskia rose - a child, born outside the Ansai legacy, held the Aberviohn's power in her hands.

And it had seemed, for the years that followed her rise, that the village would regain its greatness.

* * *

And that is all for the Syrilae village :) I've always wanted to explain a bit about what it looks and feels like, so today seemed like a good idea. It leads in next week's Special, in which I'll (finally) talk a bit more about The Age of Silence's main protagonist, Aneskia.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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