Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sunday Special #05 - Ansai Nefahtil and Selessannea

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

This Sunday, I'll be delving into main protagonist Aneskia's race, the Syrilae - specifically, into the life of the last born Ansai, Nefahtil.

Important terms in a nutshell

Syrilae - A race of Elves with tremendous magical powers. It is cultural belief among Syrilae that they cannot exist without an Ansai serving as catalyst for the Aberviohn's power.

Ansai - A term roughly translating as 'leader'. The Ansai is a Syrilae born to a unique legacy within the race, whose very life is tied in with the Aberviohn's lives.

Aberviohn - Glowing crystal blue trees that surround the Syrilae's native Village, located in the Ghostlight forest. They possess a certain sentience and innate power, and are revered as guardians by the Syrilae.

Ansai Nefahtil

Ansai Nefahtil was born over a thousand years before the Age of Silence begins, and died two years prior.

Born to Ansai Sorasiehn and an unknown father, Nefahtil never knew much of her blood's legacy. It seemed to her that she was still a young child when her mother decided to leave the Village and left her in the care of other Syrilae - as is the custom among Syrilae, who are by nature creatures curious of the outside world.

Nefahtil, however, resented her mother. Leaving in itself wasn't the issue; what always had bothered her is that Sorasiehn's friend, the Vampire Devon, had for the time they had been at the Village tried and be more of a parent to Nefahtil than Sorasiehn herself. He, a foreigner, even went as far as to speak in their native language, when Sorasiehn deigned not speak at all.

The day Nefahtil felt the Ansai legacy awaken within her, she knew her mother was dead. That the Ansai burden was upon her shoulders. Mentally prepared as she was, emotionally she could not take the blow. Nefahtil abruptly left the Village.

Resentment had turned to hatred. She felt her place no longer among the Syrilae.

But, decades later, Nefahtil reluctantly returned. She was with child.


With Selessannea's birth, hatred waned. Nefahtil promised herself never to be like her own mother, so she stayed at the Village, breaking thus the tradition of wandering Ansai. She cared deeply for her daughter, who became the sole reason for Nefahtil to be alive.

Jealousy and deep-rooted abandonment issues would have kept Nefahtil from sharing her daughter with anyone, but it had eventually become apparent that Selessannea was, herself, a bundle of happiness and love that brightened the Village. Even Sorasiehn's friend Devon, who had returned to the Village in Nefahtil's absence to wait for her, found back some joy in Selessannea's presence.

And time passed, unaccounted for. Selessannea grew up into a lovely, albeit naïve woman. Her innate powers, the ability to weave illusions in the mind, had affected her own mind in ways Nefahtil could not quite determine. But, she thought, as long as Selessannea remained at the Village, things would be fine.


Along with Devon, Selessannea did take to visiting neighbouring Human towns. It is how, one day, she met a tall, dark, intriguing Human she would fall in love with at first sight.

No matter what Nefahtil or Devon told her, Selessannea could not be swayed. Even when they argued among themselves to place blame, Selessannea hold fast to her heart's desire. One glance - one glance was all it had taken for her to know she had to follow this man, to the ends of the world if need be. She felt as though she had to save him.

When Nefahtil threatened to cast her out of the Village if she did not change her mind, Selessannea left. But not without Devon, who refused to let her go by herself.

A few years later, Nefahtil felt her daughter's presence disappear.

Heart-broken, Nefahtil cast out all foreigners from the Village and outlawed outside visitations. In time the Syrilae population dwindled; what had been a haven of peace and tolerance became a dark, unpleasant environment. Nefahtil's hatred did diminish eventually, but never was it extinguished. Never did she forget - never did she forgive. Her precious daughter was dead, and she blamed the entire world for her death.


Far worse was it to discover that Selessannea had had children with this man, and that the oldest of them would one day become Ansai. So Nefahtil clung to life until she was shriveled and old and almost no magic remained in her veins.

For the sake of the Aberviohn and the Syrilae, she could not allow a child of death to become Ansai.

She ultimately gave her life and sacrificed another so the Ansai line might be renewed.

* * *

And that is all for Nefahtil and her daughter, with more eventually to come as I keep working on Sorasiehn and Devon's life stories :)

The Aberviohn, Ansai and Syrilae play an integral part in The Age of Silence. That is why, these coming Sundays, I'll be delving into the lives of the latest Ansai.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Special, Sorasiehn and Adelouhn, same Blogger channel :D

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