Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Theme 04: Devon - Week 3

Yes, I'm a little late again << sorry 'bout that. I was going to post a 'post delayed' post yesterday, but then I didn't. And Sunday was father-in-law's birthday, yesterday workday... Next week will likely see some delay too, as I'm working Saturday through Tuesday e.e but I'll see about finding something interesting to post anyway. With week 3, I do need to take some time to think XD

And so, week 3 is the traditional origin story post :D

Devon: Origin Story

Alas, I'm going to disappoint with this one: I don't remember why I created Devon. I think he was a random character I created in the wake of figuring out another's background story. Plus, Vampire. Always fun. XD but, no, I don't remember exactly why I created him. However, I do know why I'm including him in TAoS, so perhaps I can talk about that instead.

A couple of years ago I'd started a different blog on my site. In it, it was a character who talked, and wrote about her impressions of the bit of world she lives in. I quickly discovered the unforgiving limitations of this format, and abandoned it; but not before I'd created a set of events that will shape an entire part of TAoS, and has ramifications in a couple of countries. I created a character, Erjin the librarian, and a set of events that put her in danger (because I love my characters << XD), and I needed a strong character who'd have reason to help and to be in that city at that time. You've guessed it: it was Devon. And this choice, considering his ties with the race from which protagonist Aneskia hails, has set things in motion I could have never predicted - and I love it!

Devon is a wandering character with deep-rooted wounds that, I believe, will never heal. But he has knowledge, comprehension of the world, and ties to characters and places that make him invaluable as a source of information. He knows about the world threat; he knows about the Syrilae; he reads a lot whenever he gets the chance, mostly about history, and may uncover some hidden ramifications; he's strong-willed, kind but also stubborn (which will lead to an argument with Aneskia); he's a pivotal point in the story that I can't do without, and somehow this all came to be thanks to a blog I abandoned. Granted, I may have stumbled upon this idea somewhere down the line, but not in so strong a fashion.

And all that for a character once created randomly XD. Devon is one of those characters I basically never used in Rp sessions and faded into the background of my mind. But I liked him a lot: certain parts of his personality, of his life, made him into a character with strong emotions that I understood. I don't agree with him all the time, but I can see where he comes from most of the time. I really want him to have a 'real life' - and, perhaps, deal with some of his issues, though I doubt this will ever happen. We're alike in this respect: he doesn't like to be made to feel vulnerable. As smart as he is, he can be stubbornly irrational if only to avoid having to accept his way of life is wrong. And you don't want to piss off a Vampire, they're scary << XD

And this is the semi-origin story of Devon. Who I really need to draw. XD

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