Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Special #15 – Terms of the Necrolore

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

Previous Special Arcs:
0. TAoS Themes (3 journals)
1. The Syrilae (7 journals)

Today we'll delve yet further into the darkest side of the world of Aeyuu that is the Necrolore, and explore its terminology.

Foreword: of Necrolorians and Necromancers

Few are the Humans, outside of the country of Korinda or beyond its neighbouring cities, who know of the Necrolore. Rumours of the walking dead, of people dying without cause or reason, have always been a part of Human myth, and easily explained away: people wearing disguises of bones; heart attacks. As science evolved among Humanity, so did myth get relegated to downright falsehoods.

Even among Korindians, knowledge of the Necrolore is largely built on rumour and hear-say. Walking dead, curses, unnatural fiends - nothing is truly certain, and what is witnessed in truth is denied existence for the Korindians believe that to speak of the Necrolore is to invite it inside your home. 'Death listens and answers', is the Korindians most uttered proverb. No one truly knows what it entails.

And the greatest misunderstanding is that followers of the Necrolore are all Necromancers. It is commonly believed that all followers are dead beings, but such is not the case. Those whom they call Necromancers are beings still alive, who call themselves Necrolorians - they of the lore. Necromancers are beings of death, hollow, within which subsists a desecrated Human soul. Necrolorians only differ from other Humans by the power they have learned to harness, by their body degenerating, gangrening, while they are still alive, while suffering no hindrance. By their living nature they may even be more dangerous than Necromancers, for they still know greed.

Death control: Necromants

As were all terms within the Necrolore, Necrolorians coined this word to define an organic construct given sentience. Even amid these creations exists a hierarchy that is best not ignored.

Most commonly, the Necromants encountered will be Necronomes - Necromants gone feral after disposing of their master. Necromants, often built with Human anatomy and a bestial head, are powerful entities not easily restrained. A Necronome is a lethal predator, nigh unstoppable for it is already dead, that will only yield to a being more powerful than itself - often a Necromancer, who, like them, dwell within the realm beyond. Such servile Necromants have been nicknamed Necrolytes. Necrolorian know of their existence, or at least are usually wise enough to realize Necromancers would wield far greater power than themselves... and, in some circles, it is even believed that Necrolytes have been known to dispose of rogue Necrolorian.

To none but the most powerful or the cursed, another type of Necromant has been rumoured to appear. These beings, called Necrites, are said to be as ghosts, with the major difference that they were never alive. Legend calls them 'Death's Pack', spirits that pursue threats and traitors alike like ravenous wolves. Whether truth or myth, the Pack is feared by the Necrolorian; but none do they fear as greatly as the Ana'Thaene.

Legend and myth: Thaene and the Ana'Thaene

Thaene is the name by which the Necrolorian know what they call the God of the Dead, a being that is said to live in the realm beyond, that is the source of their power. The Ana'Thaene is, depending on whom is asked, akin to Thaene's child, or its fleshen avatar. These creatures of myth are part of an ancient legend that speaks of Thaene's arrival in the world of the living, of the world of peace that he will create once all that exists now is purged, and the Ana'Thaene will be its door into the world.

Needless to say, this myth is taken very seriously by all Necrolorians - even by those who do not believe. The Korindian saying, 'Death listens and answers', is more than enough reason to not openly denigrate a belief system that, if true, has brought the Necrolorian far more power than they could ever have dreamed of. The Necrolore is the magic of the magicless, power for the powerless, as the Ana'Thaene of myth is the flesh of that which is fleshless.

* * *

And there's still a bit to talk about, so I'll be keeping that for next week! Still want to expand on the Necrolore in itself, the power it grants, and then I'll be (subtly) leading us towards the next subject... :)
Randomly, this is like just in time for Halloween. XD

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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