Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunday Special #12 – The Necrolorian

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

Previous Special Arcs:
0. TAoS Themes (3 journals)
1. The Syrilae (7 journals)

Today, following up on last week's Special Of Korinda and death, we'll delve further into the darkest side of the world of Aeyuu that is the Necrolore.

Rising from fear

Humanity's collective subconscious is fraught with fear. For uncountable millenia Humans were slaves to Elves; faithful, fearful servants without strength or power, incapable of revolting against their spellcaster masters. History never quite recorded how the Humans shed their shackles and gained their freedom at last, nor is it known how they repelled any invading western Elshir or southern Arborians throughout the centuries. Time aiding, Elven fear became merely distrust; the rise of culture aiding, Humans' fears evolved to simpler things, such as being unable to satisfy basic needs like nourishment or fearing the dark. Humans being short-lived creatures - 30 to 40 years at best - they learned to fear death more than anything in the world.

But in the western country of Korinda, death would not become as feared as the people capable of wielding its magic. There it is believed that these wielders, the Necrolorian as they are called by the knowledgeable, are the reason the Humans live free of Elven tyranny... at a cost.

The Necrolorian

In certain cities of Korinda, Necrolorian are known by name - yet never a name passes their lips, as they fear the repercussions of bringing a Necrolorian in trouble. Rumours float among the cities of people disappearing, of monstrous growls and roars heard rolling across the darkest of nights; of Humans that seem unaffected by gangrened limbs and open flesh wounds. The unitiated fear that even but brief exposure to these people can result in deadly curses befalling them, or monsters coming to their homes at night and devouring their children.

Yet it is rare indeed to hear of Necrolorian acts committed. Beyond rumours of disappearances, no one can say they have witnessed the power of death in action. The Necrolore, or Necromancy as the unitiated call it, is magic never seen, never consciously experienced, until it has already struck. Humans being insensitive to the presence of magic in the air, they can never detect the Necrolore. Unlike beings of magic such as the western Elshir or the southern Syrilae, the latter of which capable of detecting the Necrolore from a great distance. These gentle Elves have often been seen over  the centuries at Korinda's border, but few if none ever dared venture there. Even in these border cities, rumours have floated of Elves screaming into the night and disappearing forgood, but no one ever witnessed anything firsthand.

But not all, in Korinda and surroundings, fear the Necrolorian. In fact, people can be found who praise these death wielders and their superior intellect. To these grateful few, the Necrolorians are nothing more than exceptionally talented alchemists who, in their pursuit of longer life, happened upon knowledge that eventually served greater mankind: antidotes, cures, a better understanding of anatomy - Human and other - that spread across the Human lands through trade. The most fervent defendors of the Necrolorian emphasize people's needs for their knowledge, be it for the benefit of Humans or the detriment of non-Humans - always, they would note, for Humanity's survival.

Whether truth or biased gratitude, it is a fact that Necrolorian possess knowledge that most common alchemists and healers can only dream of. The wisest of them, however, have wondered about the cost of such great knowledge, but never sought the answers.

* * *

Well this was supposed to be about the Necrolore itself, but I found it difficult to balance narrative knowledge and the complete understanding of the creator. I do want to go into more detail about the Necrolore, so I think I'll use this Special as a springboard to events that relate to The Age of Silence and a certain character who possesses inner knowledge...

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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