Monday, March 20, 2017

I dunno, I'll keep saying I'm moving forward << XD

It's been a stressful week. Between not being able to sleep, having issues at the unemployment office, and globally feeling like a worthless thing because too much caffeine and not enough writing, I've had trouble doing the forward thing.

But. I know that, even when all seems to fail, things will eventually get better. A lost week isn't a lost battle.

And I started doing some cleaning up in my CDs to make some room for DVDs that themselves will make room for PS4 games that are starting to stack. Cleaning up does wonders. It's spring *shrug* I know I always have a bad week when entering and exiting winter.

Also, we've made progress with getting me registered as a half-independent so I can start up the Patreon. Launch date is set for April 1st - and no, it's no joke XD we settled on that date because it's the date at which, last year, bf started his own job. So it'll be easy to remember (and symbolically awesome).
At this point I'm registered as a business and have my professional bank account. Just a couple more things to do and we'll be golden. ... now to hope inspiration will return XD; but I expect it will. IF I get done with the cleaning, which has taken over my mind << so I know I need to do this before I can continue. So I'd better do so XD

And, I decided to bite the bullet and go to the doctor's for my leg. It's been over a year now, and the bruise is still there. I've been having pains the last couple of weeks, so I daresay it's about time to have it examined <<

And, no, there hasn't been art :/ frankly, I remember little of last week. Just that I have been feeling low and blah. I try not to stress over it, which in turn happens through forgetting. But, I feel like I'm forgetting a lot of things lately. I don't think it's truly worrisome, just the result of stress and being unable to quite find my balance. I have no worries XD

That is all. :D (as far as I remember XD)

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