Monday, October 31, 2016

Theme 11: Ayden - Week 3

I feel like my week has been uneventful o.o all I can say is I'm almost through watching Sailor Moon in its entirety. 3 episodes left to go! I really enjoyed the three first seasons (especially the third one with Haruka and Michiru e.e), 4 was boredom incarnate, and 5 is globally okay. The first episodes were great with Nehelenia, and I really enjoyed the 'plot' regarding Usagi's faithfulness towards Mamoru. And the plot twist a couple of episodes ago that gave all of the episodes and her dilemma fist-to-the-gut feelz. I'm just happy to finally have seen it, the way it's meant to be seen. It's an achievement XD and I did do some writing if I recall right. Kinda forgot. Ah well.

So here is week three of Ayden.

Ayden: Origin Story

Basically all has been said in week 1: I created Ayden while searching for information on what exactly happened to that Human Empire that it suddenly drafted new laws that would (or, should I say, should) lead to a genocide, to put it simply.

See, here's how things work for me while figuring out things: I get a first idea, and I'll run with it. I do so because, generally, the first idea is also the right idea. I can get it wrong and have to rework my ideas, but that will usually happen if I really try to make a plot happen. When I don't, things happen far more naturally and work out for the better as well. In the case of the Empire's corruption, I got an idea on what was happening fairly easily; but, as I worked on chapter 2 of TAoS, I realized that my 'global view' was no longer enough: I needed to know what was truly going on. So I took what I knew with almost certainty, and started asking myself the questions: why would this happen? How would this character get there? Who were they? What is their background? What does it mean in relation to their evolution? Would they make these choices? Etc...

It may seem easy to write, but it really isn't XD there's always a lot to keep in mind. And that's how I got stuck at the very last scene of Ayden's rise to power, that led me to having to figure out a couple more characters, that led to figuring out an event of sorts, that led to needing to understand another character, which I got wrong so I had to make changes that aren't done yet... andsoforth. The good thing about all this that it's made me really good at thinking and applying logic XD the bad thing is that I'm still stuck because I don't know enough about the world-time I'm working with and I really don't want to go there XD (but I fear I will e.e)

So, basically, Ayden came to exist because I knew the kind of character I globally needed: which was a Necromancer. That's usually when a character will appear in my mind and say 'I'm the one you need'. And we work from there.

And that's it for Ayden's story XD

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