Monday, October 31, 2016

Theme 11: Ayden - Week 3

I feel like my week has been uneventful o.o all I can say is I'm almost through watching Sailor Moon in its entirety. 3 episodes left to go! I really enjoyed the three first seasons (especially the third one with Haruka and Michiru e.e), 4 was boredom incarnate, and 5 is globally okay. The first episodes were great with Nehelenia, and I really enjoyed the 'plot' regarding Usagi's faithfulness towards Mamoru. And the plot twist a couple of episodes ago that gave all of the episodes and her dilemma fist-to-the-gut feelz. I'm just happy to finally have seen it, the way it's meant to be seen. It's an achievement XD and I did do some writing if I recall right. Kinda forgot. Ah well.

So here is week three of Ayden.

Ayden: Origin Story

Basically all has been said in week 1: I created Ayden while searching for information on what exactly happened to that Human Empire that it suddenly drafted new laws that would (or, should I say, should) lead to a genocide, to put it simply.

See, here's how things work for me while figuring out things: I get a first idea, and I'll run with it. I do so because, generally, the first idea is also the right idea. I can get it wrong and have to rework my ideas, but that will usually happen if I really try to make a plot happen. When I don't, things happen far more naturally and work out for the better as well. In the case of the Empire's corruption, I got an idea on what was happening fairly easily; but, as I worked on chapter 2 of TAoS, I realized that my 'global view' was no longer enough: I needed to know what was truly going on. So I took what I knew with almost certainty, and started asking myself the questions: why would this happen? How would this character get there? Who were they? What is their background? What does it mean in relation to their evolution? Would they make these choices? Etc...

It may seem easy to write, but it really isn't XD there's always a lot to keep in mind. And that's how I got stuck at the very last scene of Ayden's rise to power, that led me to having to figure out a couple more characters, that led to figuring out an event of sorts, that led to needing to understand another character, which I got wrong so I had to make changes that aren't done yet... andsoforth. The good thing about all this that it's made me really good at thinking and applying logic XD the bad thing is that I'm still stuck because I don't know enough about the world-time I'm working with and I really don't want to go there XD (but I fear I will e.e)

So, basically, Ayden came to exist because I knew the kind of character I globally needed: which was a Necromancer. That's usually when a character will appear in my mind and say 'I'm the one you need'. And we work from there.

And that's it for Ayden's story XD

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Theme 11: Ayden - Week 2

Lots of writing this week. Two pieces uploaded to my site, which you can find links to on the right side of the entrance :) and... that's basically my week. XD I've been trying to get into writing pseudo-chapters for the novel. It's been a total blast. I'm sure I won't use everything as it's written, but it's helping me build on ideas and thoughts and character interactions are making me giddy. XD

Anyway. Week 2 of Ayden! And to stay in the zone, I decided to share one of the turning points in Ayden and Richard's 'relationship', for lack of a better term. Much happened between then and now, which I won't detail :) let's just say that fate has a way of bringing people back together...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Theme 11: Ayden - Week 1

A week of insomnia, nightmares to go crazy over (dreaming my cat had gotten horribly mauled: he was missing the top of his front paw and had literally no face anymore and he still moved. Like a zombie). Chronophobia kicking in with birthday nigh and novel still a distant dream, on top of society demanding I be useful to them (understandably). So much time to do everything, so little progress, and I'm going a little crazy over here trying to keep up with everything. I grow more and more in need of a complete break from the world.

Anyhow. This theme, we're going to breach a topic I've skirted about for quite some time now. It is one of the main topics of my story, namely the 'death' part. I hadn't originally planned on discussing this topic more in-depth, but it'll be a nice conclusion to this character-filled year, having started it with life and Aneskia :)

So without further ado I give you...


He makes my arting life so easy :°)

Don't you hate it when people purposefully hide a character's appearance so to make them more 'mysterious'? I do too. This isn't a cover-up: Ayden doesn't have an appearance because, technically, he's a dead man's soul.

Who is Ayden?

Ayden was, and is. These two lives aren't the same anymore, as the Human Ayden died when his soul escaped his body and possessed his sister's corpse instead.

Back up, rewind.

So, who was Ayden? He was a Human like any Human, with a strong interest in alchemy, and a failing body that made living all the harder. He had always been a recluse, always hated that he was weak while his sister Kristin had been strong and beautiful. And, one day, Ayden had had enough of his life and tried to kill himself.

That is when the Whispers spoke to him for the very first time.

Ayden was not the same after this encounter. He had experienced something, an existence beyond the veil of reality - a quiet peace he'd long to reach again. But the Whispers had frightened him; though he wanted to cease living, he was afraid of attempting to die. He did not know what was going to happen. Thus begun an obsession that brought him to Korinda, the Human county reputed for its shady dealings and even shadier people, and eventually led him back home, where he would eventually kill his sister, and take over her body.

Who is Ayden? He is what is called a Necromancer - a living being transmuted by the power of death, risen through death into a new existence. In death did Ayden find peace... and, eventually, a new purpose that would befall him after his very first encounter with the Vampire Richard...

Ayden and the Novel

Well, to cut this short: he won't be in it XD not in the first volume, anyway. So, why am I mentioning him? Because Ayden is the cause of the Empire's corruption - and, ultimately, one of the reasons that the story will take place. He was created as I sought explanations/backstory to the fact the Human Empire gets corrupted at all... and, from there, things evolved. Ayden became a very real personality, albeit flawed, and has even taught me a few things about Necromancers that I hadn't known.

Though Ayden has no direct role in the first tome, his presence by the Emperors' sides has shaped about three centuries of Human history, culminating in the creation of laws that forbid any and all magic-users to tread Empire grounds... and, as can be expected, it didn't take long for laws to become monetization methods.

That is how, one day, the Human town of Farren will be the theater of a lone girl's flight...

Monday, October 10, 2016

Theme 10: Richard - Week 4

I dunno if it's the coffee or the weather or just some crap on mobile gaming or not sleeping well all weekend, but I've been feeling very negative these past few days and I don't understand why. Not quite, anyway. Some I can guess. Other, I'm not so sure of. I have this feeling change is afoot and it's making me panic, but at the same time it's not like I get the feeling this change is bad. Maybe it's just the change of season o.o wouldn't surprise me.

Just been very fed up with negativity (proof is: I dreamt about my previous manager, that I basically got mad at him for all the crap he's pulled since I was there and that he broke into tears explaining why he changed so much... wishful thinking I guess), everywhere I've seen it. And it's making me negative in turn. Like in math, two negatives make a positive << except not really. So, trying to cut back on everything that occupies my brain in a bad way. Then, I get some inspiration for novel-related short stories (as in, chapter-ish stuff), and I'm thinking: that's what I should be doing. And drawing. And all the good stuff in life. Mmm I want some incense too e.e

Anyhoo. Last week for my dear Richard! As I gave you a glimpse into his pre-Vampire life in week 2, this week I turn things around. A lot. Because I can't mention the Vampire Richard without speaking of the singular encounter that would change his entire life... I have been avoidant of the topic for quite some time, but now I feel it has to be breached, and what better way than to give a glimpse into next theme's own personality...

Note: some topics and overall theme are not meant for all eyes. The fact is that the novel will have really hard moments and topics, as well as much nicer ones. So, consider yourself warned, for this is rated R for some language/implications and several violent, gory moments.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Theme 10: Richard - Week 3

Myes I'm a couple days late... Sunday I had a dinner with old colleagues (which was an absolute blast, so glad to have seen them again <3), yesterday unemployment office and then the day just sorta... flew by. Had a lot of ProjectComment to catch up on (still do, two comments x.x), have my art for DPSchool to continue, a job to apply for... There was this goddamned fly attacking me (just got the creature outside, so happy e______e), and I do want to play some Diablo 3 because I don't have this season's rewards yet << (kinda stopped playing because my Diablo partner'd stopped too :/). Plus I'd been under loads of stress because of an obsessive kid that is too damaged for words - first time I ever had to write any game support for harassment. EVER. But I did. And the stress is all but gone... But this encounter did make me doubt whether I was made to help people after all...

And then I told myself: seriously, one kid is gonna break you? One little bullier whose own life is a clear trainwreck? You can't help everyone - and there's no shame leaving behind the people who wrap themselves in negativity when all you want and seek is positivity. So, I also removed my previous manager from my Facebook after wishing him a happy birthday. It hurts me because I had so much respect for that man. So much. But he's had 5 months to get back in touch with me. I would've liked being able to explain to him how dead I was feeling inside because of that job, and that I couldn't go on just for the colleagues anymore... but I never got a chance. As he cut the contact, I waited for him to try and rebuild the bridge. It didn't happen. And as I am taking steps forward in life, I needed to let go of some weight.

So I made the decision to follow a nursing course starting sometime at the beginning of next year. Today I'm in full doubt about whether I made the right decision XD but the fact is I need to help people, period. That's it. That's my life's course, aside from writing. And I got compliments from the unemployment clerk saying I was consequent and 'a gift as a workforce for any firm' - literally. I could've cried. It was so out of the blue. The modest part of me had trouble accepting the compliment; the selfish/self-aware part was saying: finally, someone who realizes it AND says it! XD

So yeah. Life changes coming once again, hopefully this time without any health issues XD it'll be a ten month course, again in Bruges. I'm probably gonna be happy to have a driver's license, because I can't do the train thing again. I can't. I'm panicking at the idea of having to. So, yeah... next year is still far away, so for now:

It's time for week 3 of Richard!

Richard's Origin Story

Richard is a fairly new character. As I think I've mentioned, I've been working on figuring out my Human Empire and how it got corrupted, as I need this information to write chapter 2 of the novel. It has led me greatly astray, lemme tell you! Fact is, I know who and what is at the helm of the Empire - what I didn't know was how it happened. That is how I created a new character named Ayden Ryall (who I will not be speaking about... not yet anyway <<), who I know will end up in the higher spheres and be an influence of destruction. The problem was to figure out how Ayden got from point A to point B... and, as I figured his life out, I realized he must have met a Vampire at some point. That Vampire was Richard.

What started out as a somewhat random character soon grew into a personality, and I had to write his own entire life story out to continue Ayden (this happens a lot to me << XD). While writing things out between Ayden and Richard, I slowly got the feeling not only Ayden, but Richard had played a role in the Empire's corruption - not as direct a role, but still an important player. The story led them to encounter the assassin group Atrophy, and eventually one led to the other... At present I still need to write the exact way Ayden entered the higher spheres, and I got stopped from a lack of understanding of the Emperor, so I'm writing his life story now XD I still don't know what Richard will plan to do with Atrophy, but I think this'll create interesting possibilities for Book 2. :)

So that is Richard's origin story: created at random, became interesting to me, figured him out... and now I'm hooked on him XD; I like too many of my (evil) characters. But, well, even evil characters have layers and reasons for being who they are...and that's what makes them interesting. :)