Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I don't often have nightmares, and this one woke me up a half hour ago.

I dreamt I was at my parents' (which, incidentally, was the case yesterday, and has to happen today as well). It's an apartment on the second floor. I was looking outside and saw the street had collapsed a bit before the building. I turned to tell them that, and by the time I looked again, the entire street had collapsed. Then, the sidewalk collapsed. On the other side I saw five blonde kids at the large window of the first floor, and one decided to kick their brethren - to play, I'm sure, but it resulted in the four kids falling to their deaths. A couple more kids came at the same window to see what'd happened, and just... looked, like they didn't understand.
Then came the hail: I don't know how I knew, but it was 'diamond' hail - it pierced through the apartment above us. I tried to protect myself with a blanket, butnit helped little. I saw one of the kids get smashed by the hail still seeing his face bleeding as he died on his feet.
And then, the whole building suddenly collapsed: it fell down a few stories into the earth. We were still above it, and thought we needed to get out of there. And then, the earth gave way, and the entire building fell, fell, fell... I had time to think about the way I was going to die, likely burned to death by the earth's core.
And I woke up.

My heart's still racing, but it's calmed down a little. Everything still seems so vivid, so real. There had been no way for me to realize it was a dream, not until I woke up. And even then, I wasn't quite sure what had just happened. I'd been certain to die, likely horribly, and then I was back in my bed, awake. Scared. Traumatized is fair to say.

Hence why I needed to type it down, so my mind can let it go. I hope. I'm really not feeling okay this morning. I wonder if the dream somehow has anything to do with the situation at work exploding - I was there yesterday for groceries, and it seems their working world is ending as well. Quite in a destructive manner, too. Hmm. Food for though.

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