Oh my, is it time for a new theme already? How time flies <<
This week has been... productive. A random story somehow turned into a very rough first draft for TAoS, which made me squee with joy. It also lead to quite a hefty disagreement with one of my close friends who is writer as well. What was supposed to be a constructive comment really failed to impact me in that way, and rather crushed my feelings immensely. There's just something about telling a person who eats and breathes English that they get a free pass on grammar because English is merely their third language... Years ago, I would have cried and given up writing; now, I stare at such a statement with dumbfounded upset, and resolve to prove them wrong. I probably didn't handle it that well either since I got emotional, but at least it ended up forcing me to be honest about my own opinion on his novel (well, the first chapter anyway). I hope I'll get a chance to elaborate on these thoughts, especially since joining ProjectComment I do think I've gotten way better at critiquing, but I don't know. It'll all depend on whether he accepts me as an equal, and that I can put my own vision of 'good writing' aside and judge in a neutral way. I guess saying 'I'd scrap a lot' was not good critiquing on my part << I don't really know what else to do with about a dozen pages of dialogue that don't flesh out the characters or move the story forward at all. I don't know how I could phrase it to not come across as an arrogant bitch << (or whether I'll ever have to, but time will tell).
Also, I've been able to move another character story forward... after formatting its nearly 150 pages. I'd been stuck on it for ages, and it took five pages of additional info to finally reach a working plot point that allow for events to have a reason to happen, and for me to flesh out the continent's side-situations in such a manner they form a base for the rest of the story. I'll probably go and work some more on that later :)
For now, onto the next theme! And I have dubbed him...
Yeah, he hates his name too.
Who is Kooga?
Kooga is so many things I sometimes lose track/worry it makes no sense/wonder how he even exists. What matters to me is that he is one of my absolute favorite characters because I've made his life such a living hell the motherly instinct in my wants to hug him until all his pain goes away (in case you can't tell: yes, I'm using laughter as a defense mechanism for his sake. Crazy writers and their creations, y'know? <<).
On a more serious note, Kooga is the son of Kassandra, a character who may appear at a later date in this blog: she's an important character in more ways than one, and so is her son Kooga. The boy inherited at birth a set of powers far too great for him to handle... and a resentful mother who will make his life hell aside from trying to kill him on several occasions. Because of this horrific mother, Kooga grew up with a very distorted view on love and what it is supposed to feel like.
And, one day, a stranger will offer him change and salvation, which Kooga will refuse. Love for his mother, believing himself unworthy of anything good, will lead him to send this stranger to his death and thus set into motion events that will ultimately lead to the end of the world.
Kooga and the novel
It's tricky to reveal much of anything, as Kooga stands on the same level as Aneskia: they are the most important protagonists of TAoS, in opposing ways. Kooga is a force of good and evil beyond proportion; and, in this novel, I'd like to get to show more of his good side, and the conflicting emotions and powers at play in his heart. I like to say he's a good kid who's had some bad influences and thus behaves in a bad way, without truly meaning to. However, there is no denying that part of him enjoys to inflict pain and hurt, so that others may share in his fate.
As it stands his fate is unwritten. In fact, the fate of the entire world is unwritten, and what happens with him will have an undeniable impact on the world's future. ... I kinda want to write my story just to discover what happens. << XD
And that is all for this section ^^ until next week!