Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sunday Special #19 – Vampires: an introduction

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

Previous Special Arcs:
0. TAoS Themes (3 journals)
1. The Syrilae (7 journals)
2. The Necrolore (6 journals)
3. The Denumbra (2 journals)

Today we shall start a new topic relevant to Humanity: the Vampires.

A brief history

Since the advent of the imperial Sommerdiev line, with the first Emperor rising at the top of the food chain and claiming all individual countries as one big nation under his rule, Human society has evolved beyond what some believed nature, if not the Gods, had intended for them. Dissimilar countries united under one banner, trade and travel became more commonplace and safe, and with it networks of information sprang to life to corroborate the history of Humanity.

Yet it never became clear when the first Vampires made their entry into the world, nor whether the originals looked at all like Humans - or were originally Humans, as all contemporary Vampires are. It has been debated by many a scholar that Vampires were once a race unto their own, unable to reproduce, and that they somehow evolved into the parasitic predators known to mankind; less rational scholars have argued that such evolution is nothing but a scientific fallacy and that Vampires are a form of divine retribution for crimes committed by unscrupulous brethren; regular citizens view Vampires as nothing more or less than a plague that must be eradicated.

But all is not so simple to the people who have met Vampires up close and lived to tell the tale. A Vampire may be brutal just as it may be kind - it may kill just as it may help. Though they are as wild beasts when hungered, well-fed Vampires are nigh impossible to discern from the regular populace at first glance. Vampires may speak and smile and even laugh, their fangs may not always show - not until it is too late. Usually, by the time a Vampire has begun to socialize, it is already beyond too late.

Though at first glance not a recognizable trait by the common population, excessive strength is oft a telltale sign of vampirism. What is considered excessive may vary from person to person, one thing is certain: if an apparent Human is capable of easily blocking a blade with bare hands and not show a hint of fear, one ought to take all necessary precautions and aim to sever head from neck. That is the only proven way to kill a Vampire, as anything else will only drive it mad, and flesh wounds will heal in a matter of moments.

In the later years Humans have concocted new ways of detecting Vampires and getting rid of them. Alchemists developed a virulent poison called Rosebleed that affects a Vampire's blood flow. Once entered the bloodstream, a Vampire will go mad with artificial Hunger (a state of being that denotes immediate need for blood lest the Vampire goes berserk) and attack on sight anything in their path - Human or Vampire. Mercenaries and city guards have begun using Rosebleed to eradicate entire nests in one bloody go, with satisfactory success. Certain Vampires are capable of jugulating blinding Hunger to retain a tactical instinct; Rosebleed completely annihilates their thinking patterns and renders them vulnerable - from a tactical point of view. Hunger increases a Vampire's strength and speed. Often, Rosebleed is used in conjunction with unwilling bait.

But as information has spread across the lands, so have Vampiric numbers dwindled. Where once Vampires came to rule the Human lands as the ancient Elves had, Humanity regained the upper hand. The Vampires slowly faded from street view, but never truly disappeared. Though still predators, they adapted to their surroundings and started blending in - be it among the common populace, bands of mercenaries, or even among city guards.

Nowadays Vampires are no longer as feared as they are despised for what they are: diseased mockeries of Humanity - sub-Humans. With the advent of science, Vampires have become far easier to cripple and dispatch. As long as one gets the first blow in.

* * *

And that is all for this week. Thought I'd start us off with a global view, so I get an idea of where to go next :)

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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