Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sunday Special #16 – Beyond Death

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

Previous Special Arcs:
0. TAoS Themes (3 journals)
1. The Syrilae (7 journals)

Today we'll conclude this deep dive into the darkest part of Aeyuu by trying to explain what the Necrolore is, and how it works.

The Necrolore

Though not one Necrolorian would deny the established fact that the Necrolore, the power that has given them their names, is of otherworldly origin, none truly is certain what the Necrolore is. The simplest explanation is that the Necrolore is a form of magic, born from the Spirit Realm - the world of deceased souls only accessible to those of the Lore.

But certainty crumbled once it was discovered that the power of the Necrolore was so intense that it affected native spellcasters such as elves adversely, in some cases killing the caster. Powerful Necrolorian taught their followers that the Necrolore didn't equal the living's magic: it surpassed magic. Or rather, it devoured magic, and all that relied on it.

Since then, conjecture has it that the Necrolore isn't quite some form of magic, but something alive - ironcially speaking. A nonsentient entity of sorts, itself created from the God Thaene that is the source of all Necrolorian power. Whether truth or myth, fact has it that the Necrolore feeds on magic and all who are native spellcasters.

Death control: Curses

So has the understanding of 'curses' evolved along the way. What once Necrolorians believed to be magic encroaching on the fabric of life turned out to be, with every experiment, the Necrolore acting as a parasite upon another's life force - upon their soul. The power and result of these curses varied greatly, as no Necrolorian was the same. Certain curses turned sight into blindness, others enfeebled flesh until paralysis; others yet gangrened the heart until its owner died from the inside. More powerful Necrolorian could ensnare objects that would release a curse upon vicinity or contact, up to triggering the awakening of a Necromant to protect a Necrolorian's lair.

Yet no amount of power could protect the greedy and tyrannical from being struck down by the very magic they revered. Curses would backfire and ensnare their casters, Necromants turn feral and devour their masters. Some attributed these abrupt reversals as curses themselves; and no one would have dared even think that the Necrolore itself might decide who lives and dies.

But several centuries ago, this unspoken fear faded away and was replaced by a far clearer rumour threatening their way of life.

It was said, in hushed circles, that the Children of the Dead Goddess had started hunting down Necrolorian and Necromancers alike.

Legend and myth: the Children of the Dead Goddess

These entities - the Denumbra, as they were called in common Human folklore - were never seen or heard of, believed by the entire continent of Aun to be mere legend; stories told by tired parents, of hideous monsters lurking in the dark that ate unruly children for breakfast. Ancient myth of elven descent, speaking of the timeless Goddess of Death Tenumbra and the Goddess of Life Aeyin, one who destroyed the other in a battle of cataclysmic proportions.

A myth that the Necrolorian begun to believe when rumours started spreading of a dark-haired woman, clad in black, shredding Necromants with an oversized scythe. Humans called her the Grim Reaper - Death. Something that she could not be, for Death lied within the Necrolore.

Yet rumours persist to this day, even though this Grim Reaper has officially not been sighted for the past two centuries. Other rumours exist to this day, most notably of Necrolorians found shredded as though by thousands of tiny, sharp teeth...

* * *

And thus is concluded the Necrolorian act, with a small Denumbran one following. I obviously have ideas where to go with it without telling too much ;)

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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