Monday, May 29, 2017

Take the heat away x.x

I'm starting to feel like I'm an old car (or my scooter): when not used enough, it needs a jumpstart. I started complaining to myself about not being able to write... and then randomness ensued.

I wish I could write
Why can't I write?
What's keeping me from enjoying myself?
Is it the heat killing my brain?
Is it the stress of real life
always breathing down my neck?
I feel like I'm imploding
Nuclear warfare
Leads to despair
I feel like crying
I feel like dying
Because running away is the easiest way
of the black
So exhausted
So tired of everything being so hard
Stressed out by support
By the pressure, self-imposed
Choosing to be different from the others
But has it ever been a choice?
Now what I do?
When nothing goes right
And the cat sleeps on my left arm
And the center is all but a wasteland?
You just keep going.
Until the problem solves itself
Until you break down from the stress
And start writing useless
like this
But hey,
isn't writing bliss?

Funnily enough, writing that up did help. Aside from how depressing parts of it sound XD but hey: that's me. Let's just embrace the inspiration, hmm?

Also, I tramped on the cat's tail this morning (because tabby in the dark = camouflage kitty). 5 seconds later, he was snuggling against my leg. We like to call him 'goldfish brain', sometimes.

That is all.

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