Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday Special #22 – Non-Human Vampires

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

Previous Special Arcs:
0. TAoS Themes (3 journals)
1. The Syrilae (7 journals)
2. The Necrolore (6 journals)
3. The Denumbra (2 journals)

Today, we explore a little known aspect of Vampirism: the turning of non-Humans.

Non-Human Vampires: myth or reality?

Alchemists across the Sommerdiev Empire seem to agree that only Humans can potentially be turned into Vampires, for some unknown reason. It has been speculated that the magic in their blood acts as a protective barrier against the toxin, rendering them immune. Yet recently, in the once-great city of Demure, not far south-west of the capital, Silvadill, rumors have spread of a Vampire assassin with characteristic blond hair and long pointed ears.

This impossibility, though not unheard of in the southern parts of the Empire, is a case of such extreme rarity that most alchemists believe it to be nothing but a tall tale created to frighten the adult children among them, quite like stories of the mythical Denumbra. Only Elves and Vampires themselves give the tales any sort of merit, yet none whom concerned alchemists have met ever declared encountering an Elven Vampire. According to the Wyr, a race of animalistic shapeshifters, the only reason no one would recognize a Vampiric Elf is because they lack the proper instinct to do so.

As animals in Human shape, Wyr possess keen senses that allow them to detect attitudes and specific scents that even Vampires may overlook due to their volatile nature. Merchants and historians whom Wyr have trusted with information declared that, though extremely rare, Elven Vampires were a fact not to ignore. During the bloody war that opposed Vampires and Wyr a few centuries ago, those were the pawns that slaughtered, the nightmares made flesh. Stories speak of such Vampires always Hungering and thus impossible to reason with; strength greater than any other Vampire's, and a bloodlust satiated on man and kin alike. But not a modern Wyr can say they ever met an Elven Vampire. Still, they trust in the history portrayed by their kin, as Wyr aren't keen on exaggeration or lie.

Surprisingly, even the alchemists of the Necrolore-filled country of Korinda believe non-Human Vampires to be a myth, if not a drunken joke. With how often Korinda was invaded over the centuries by the western Elshir, the odds of not a one being a Vampire disproves in their opinion this theory.

Whether truth or lie or drunken hallucination, the term 'Vamp-Elf' sometimes gets coined among Humans as derogatory slang used to insult either Vampires or Elves, or both at once. The stereotype being that Vampires are crazy mankillers and Elves prissy wimps. Of course, such a term is only used among Humans themselves, and never towards the creatures they so inadequately defame.

As far as Humans know.

* * *

And that is all for this week. With working so much on my novel Fates, which is completely separate from Aeyuu, I find it a bit hard to get back into my own favourite world at times. But, I still somehow manage to learn new things when I do travel there ;)

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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