Sunday, July 10, 2016

Theme 07: Nadieja - Week 3

Had a hard time finding myself this week. Today, still, I wonder who I am and where I'm going. Where I'll be allowed to go.

But don't we have our lives in our hands?

So, week three: origin story! :D

Nadieja's Origin Story

To explain her origin, I'll have to start at the origin story of a few other characters.

I've had the Syrilae village for a long time - some 15 years, I'd wager. Back then it was just a place I'd created because it sounded cool to have a village of elves with cool ears be surrounded by crystal trees (because it was different and COOL << XD). There was even a Dragon there at some point because I had the simple explanation for the Syrilae ears that they were, y'know, like a Dragon wing evolution of sorts (and Dragons are COOL-- okay I'll stop << XD). The base of this creation was Kassandra, because I'd been figuring out her history and it ended up involving this race, this place, and characters that are still around to this day - some having changed very little (except they died XD). The fact is, I'd made the place to fit her history, a few characters for fun's sake, and that was enough back then.

And then, in those roleplay days, certain characters ended up in the village and got taken care of by yet other characters - these characters of mine being a couple, a Syrilae man named Giounai and his plump elven woman Martha. Martha especially took great care of this lost character... and from there, and other events I discovered having taking place in the village, I figured out even more about Giounai and Martha - who, at some point, left the village and ended up in a then-unnamed city which would, upon overhaul, become the town of Desri - one of three large towns that surround the Malmernian capital, Malmern (whether the country's name or the city's came first, I have no idea). In the roleplay days we had the lost character one day reunite with Martha and Giounai, and a few more characters had joined the fray for then-plot's sake...On my side, one of those characters was Nadieja.

In those days she was still called Nadiya, because of a French singer I loved at the time. I changed it during the Overhaul because I figured, hey, if ever I want to publish writings, I can't have her named after a real person (but then I do have a character named Zool whose name I took straight from Ghostbusters... I never changed it because I'm not allowed to <<). So, in the logic of the region, I switched it to Nadieja (nah-dee-eh-*flem*a), and that's when she truly begun to take life. In the roleplay days I had created her as a friend for Giounai after Martha passed, and this remained, even stronger than before. I had always envisioned Nadieja being an influential woman in Malmern, and this expanded during the Overhaul as I determined exactly who Lord Ashin was, and what being his sole heir truly entailed.

So Nadieja had been created way back when sort of out of the blue, and she's grown in personality ever since - mostly after writing the long-gone blog of Erjin, through which I discovered not only more about the world, but about the story I wanted to tell. Random blogs that led to specific scenes, themselves to events that changed Malmern and made me realize I was going to take the story there. So, Nadieja didn't really have a purpose at the time of creation beyond being a useful gear in the roleplay machine of yore; now she's become an invaluable element whose choices will directly affect TAoS in sometimes indirect ways, but fully known to me. Most notably, she has saved a life whose knowledge will be invaluable in its own right...

I have to say I'm really fond of Nadieja. Over the years she has become a strong character, despite flaws - the flaws making her more tangible and relatable, in my opinion. She's the prime example of someone who starts life without any hope for the future, and ends up becoming far more than ever they dared believe or dream. In that respect, I'd like to be more like her... If anything, she's made me learn to love the colour orange. XD

And that is all for Nadieja for this week :)

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