Monday, March 14, 2016

Theme 03: Eglen - Week 2

I was going to type up this post Saturday before work, and then I must have forgotten << and as we weren't home yesterday (MADE IN ASIA YAAAAYYYYYYY), and I have folks coming this evening (WIIU PARTY YAAAAYYYYYYYYY), I decided to go against my usual grain and make the post now. I have time. I'm 'just' cross-stitching. XD

So, as is the growing tradition for week 2, I'm going to upload a chapter from my theme's life - Eglen being this month's theme. Now, as I must have mentioned: this life story is pretty badly written, if only because it's a succession of 'moments in life' (hence why I name these files thusly) that don't make for a coherent whole, but do give a good idea of what his life was like on the whole. There's no chapter that really stands on its own, so here we go for a simple pick.

I'll be honest: I don't think this chapter in itself is really interesting. Eglen's life story needs a massive overhaul: I need to add scenes, mould my chapters, and maybe even add an intro regarding the Elshir civilization because I think that could actually work quite well for this specific life story (y'know, royalty and suches, need protocol << XD). But anyway. Please enjoy :)

"Tete! Tete!!!"
Bursting as though out of air itself, a little Elshir girl rounded one of the many corners of the palace halls, flailing and wailing and heeding not a one in her path. Scrolls and books flew in her wake as she sprinted towards her father with one loud squeal and gripped the bottom of the robes that matched her own fuchsia hair.
"Tete!!!", she wailed up at the amaranth-haired man, whose long pointed ears twitched with every wail, "Tete, they were mean to me! Arrest them!"
Bemused, her father suddenly broke out in booming laughter. The little girl blew up her cheeks and stomped the white marble floor with her tiny pink shoes. Several servants witnessing the scene sighed in relief.
Since the late Queen's murder, King Eldin Eldein was prone to arresting and executing fellow Elshir for the silliest of reasons. Especially when those reasons involved his beloved daughter, Taelin.
Ibaerin, the princess' nursemaid, often had her hands full with the little girl. Not a day went by she averted having to apologize to the King, to officials, to nobles alike for the princess' misbehaviour. King Eldein forgave her, always, as he forgave Ibaerin's absence when his wife was murdered by the Neshae – the Ilak'ri, as they called themselves now.
This was years ago. Still hatred for the Neshae lingered persistently, like a disease treated but not cured. They were at war, as King Eldein vowed, upon his wife's deathbed, that he would not rest until her murderers were brought to justice.
To protect his greatest treasure, his daughter Taelin, King Eldein would go to any lengths. Forgoing protocol, he lifted his girl up into his arms and nuzzled her fondly. Taelin drank the affection up and embraced her father, warm cheek upon cold chest plate.
"Now, Taelin," the monarch spoke with a playful seriousness, "who must I arrest?"
The little girl shot up like an arrow, and regaled his father with tales of children playing tricks on her, and laughing when she failed to grasp the joke of it. King Eldein marched past his servants, who bowed before his majesty and whispered to each other in his wake, of the King's sorrow and the war.
One servant boy, books and scrolls held in a tangled mess of paper and long dark purple hair, scrutinized father and daughter as though witnessing the unreal. He did not understand how the King could laugh, mere years after the Queen's murder. Elshir weren't Humans, years held as much meaning to them as months to those frail, short-lived creatures. Then, why…
"Eglen!", came the shrill, serpentine voice of Advisor Naere, "How long must I call for you, child?! Now follow me, lest I lose my temper!"

* * *

"What have you done with it? Out with it, boy, or I swear you'll regret it!"
Advisor Naere's warning was followed with immediate retribution. Eglen stifled a gasp when the advisor's hand slapped him across his cheek, throwing him down with unwarranted force. "These are important notes you fool! Where are they?!"
"… I burned them."
"You what?!!"
The advisor's natural palor was accentuated by incredulity. Important notes, dangerous notes… burned? Unread? What did Eglen know? Was he a threat now to their plans? Naere waited for the boy to explain himself further.
So Eglen explained, straightening himself up on the luxurious carpet of the advisor's private chamber. "Anorae Taelin," he winced, a hand on his cheek, "she was just playing. When I tried to recover the letter, it slipped from her hand and fell into the hearth. … I wasn't going to retrieve it. Or did you want me to burn, as well?"
Naere kept silent. The boy glared at him with sincerity burning in his purple eyes, as well as deep resentment. How much of this story was actual truth?
"You dare blame our King's daughter for your own inadequacy?", Naere hissed like a coiling serpent ready to strike, "What are you hiding! Tell me the truth, or I'll beat it out of your bones!"
Eglen heaved for air and collapsed. His ribcage contracted round his lungs and heart and threatened to snap under the unseen pressure. He shook his head vehemently, trying to convey the fact he didn't know anything else but what he'd told.
The pain subsided as suddenly as it began. Eglen let out a desperate breath and panted.
"I'll keep my eyes on you, child." Naere spat with disdain, staring Eglen down.

And I'll keep mine on you, the boy's eyes responded in kind.

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