Sunday, April 26, 2015

26/04 - Pain and oh god work again tomorrow noooooooo

Today's bad: woke up dizzy, exhausted, after seven hours of sleep despite needing more. Four days of work ahead - I'm sore, my skin's raw in places from clothes' chafing, and I don't know when I'll go back to the hours I signed up for as we're still one worker short. More than anything, I miss the energy to be creative.

Today's good: caught up with napowrimo, had an idea for a new DeviantID so I hired bf to be my photographer XD (contrast upped afterwards).

The idea came as I wrote this:

So, I picked the cards best representing who I am, and ran with the idea. Pretty happy with the result. It's me without showing me, as I find my outer appearance to have little to do with the world residing within (that and my hair's horrible and my nose has this red dot and dear god my eyebrows are seriously growing larger!). So uh yeah. The truth lies in the cards ;)

Note to Future Self: allow me to FB this for ya:

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