Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday Special #10 – The Legacy

Every Sunday I run a Special relating to my writing endeavours and the world of Aeyuu, which is the stage for many stories developed further through the Tales from Aeyuu Patreon. These Blogs are closely tied with my novel-to-be, The Age of Silence, which is basically a story about LoveSacrifice, and Death.

This Sunday, after expanding on the lives of the most recent Ansai, I'll be concluding the Syrilae blogs with a cliffhanger Special. :)

Important terms in a nutshell

Syrilae - A race of Elves with tremendous magical powers. It is cultural belief among Syrilae that they cannot exist without an Ansai serving as catalyst for the Aberviohn's power.

Ansai - A term roughly translating as 'leader'. The Ansai is a Syrilae born to a unique legacy within the race, whose very life is tied in with the Aberviohn's lives.
Read more about Ansai Adelouhn and Ansai Sorasiehn - Read more about Ansai Nefahtil and Selessannea

Aberviohn - Glowing crystal blue trees that surround the Syrilae's native Village, located in the Ghostlight forest. They possess a certain sentience and innate power, and are revered as guardians by the Syrilae.

Two years prior to the start of The Age of Silence, Ansai Nefahtil died. The line that was supposed to go extinct as the last, childless Ansai's life evaporated, was instead renewed with the advent of Ansai Aneskia. Sharing no bloodline with the Ansai, Aneskia was perceived as an anomaly, an unnatural presence, and shunned by most of the remaining Villagers.

What the Villagers did not know, was that the Ansai's line had survived.

Selessannea's children

Ansai Nefahtil's daughter, Selessannea, died over five centuries prior, giving birth to her second daughter Cassidy. It is commonly known that Syrilae women cannot safely give birth outside of the Village nor far from the Aberviohn; Selessannea barely survived the birth of her first daughter, Kassandra, and could not withstand the same ordeal four years later.

Through a twist of fate, not their father Daeron but Selessannea's friend Devon took upon himself the burden of caring for Selessannea's children. He loved Cassidy as were she his own; needless to say, his heart broke when, at the tender age of 14, Cassidy committed suicide.

A few years later, Kassandra was found dead, burned alive.

Unable to cope with the tragic loss of Selessannea's remaining child - both of whom he had sworn to her to protect - Devon left town and never looked back. He never got wind of the Vampire attacks perpetrated in town soon after his departure, by a girl who'd looked suspiciously similar to Kassandra.

The taste of power

Kassandra had lost all memory of the past and started living for the simple thrill of the kill. A deep-rooted hatred had remained in her heart, and caused her to lash out at children more than any other types of Humans. Kassandra knew herself powerful, enjoyed manipulating others, dominating them. She spent innumerable years traveling from city to city, going where the kills were easy and men easy to manipulate. During the hidden war that opposed Vampires to Wyr, a race of Human-like shapeshifters descending from wolves and wairs, Kassandra was one of many who drank of their blood and experienced slight mutations - in her case, the ability to stretch her nails to a certain degree, like a wair's claws.

Wherever Kassandra went, power and comfort was all she sought, and all she obtained. In time, she discovered that her power was far from limited to that of the physical. When the whispers came to her mind, she felt as though an old friend was calling her, and she welcomed its presence.

The Necrolore, as it was called in hushed circles, was a form of magic that allowed Humans to manipulate the very lives of people, to kill them without ever touching them. Some, like herself, could force unattached souls to do their bidding, and kill in their stead. This power served her well when she, like many Vampires, got caught up in the civil war that would oppose them to Humans, who had grown fed up with centuries of Vampiric tyranny. She ran and hid, and found in the Elshir man Marius an easy to manipulate fleshen shield who would help her obtain a power greater than anything she had ever thought possible.

* * *

And I have to stop it here because otherwise it becomes TMI XD. All will be revealed in time, but I'd like to keep some surprises ;) but she'll certainly be a topic of writing at some point, and like all stories I write, you'll find them at my Patreon ^^

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Sunday Special, same Blogger channel :D

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